Emily House
English 113B
Professor Reynolds
April 14, 2013
Become A Vegetarian
Different cultures eat differently than others. Some cultures are entirely vegetarian. These reasons include religious, social, moral, and health. Most people become a vegetarian because they hear it is healthier for them than consuming meat products which have a lot of additives. Some also become a vegetarian because they do not want to harm animals. People that go vegetarian also see a difference in their body and weight. Americans should become vegetarian because it will lower their risk of harmful diseases, help protect animals, and to be a healthy person.
Americans become vegetarians to avoid eating animals that have been tortured so that they can get their piece of meat. You shouldn't take an animal's life when you have other diet options to choose from. Statistics show that "in the US about 35 million cows, 115 million pigs, and 9 billion birds are killed for food each year” (ProCon 1). Carnivores should think about how many animals are dying so that they can eat a piece of their meat. It is unfair to the animal to be slaughtered. In addition, “raising animals in confinement is cruel”(ProCon 1). When an animal is confined to a limited space they may not be able to reach their food or water. I think Americans should consider this when they want to eat meat for dinner again. Animals are harmed every time you eat a piece of meat.
Adolescents choose to go vegetarian for different moral reasons. Reed Mangels, who is a registered dietitian states that "teenage vegetarians are often faced with pressures -- pressures from parents concerned about their health, and pressures from within to continue on the path they have chosen" (Mangels 1). Teens face pressure in today's society to be thin and healthy. The teens parents have done research on vegetarian diets and want them to live a healthy life instead of an unhealthy lifestyle. In addition, "many teenagers are concerned about losing or gaining weight" (Mangels 1). Many teens look at magazines and want to be the size of the people they see. To try to become the figure they see, teens go vegetarian and limit what they eat. Some choose to stick with this diet because they like the way they look and feel. Adolescents are really not the ones that are interested in vegetarian diets, it's the parents that are interested. The teenagers parents want their child to be healthy and so they turn to a vegetarian diet. Parents want their children to have a healthy and happy life.
People become vegetarians for several different health reasons. The magazine, Vegetarian Times states that “vegetarian diets are more healthful than the average American diet, particularly in preventing, treating or reversing heart disease and reducing the risk of cancer” (Vegetarian Times 1). Eliminating meat in your diet will decrease your risk of contracting heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer. Americans choose this diet so that they can eat and feel healthier as well. In addition, "avoiding meat is one of the best and simplest ways to cut down your fat consumption" (Vegetarian Times 1). Cutting fat out of your diet will allow you to keep a healthy weight and will also make you feel better. Eating meat with fat can add to your body fat that could be difficult to burn off. When. someone has a diet that consists of vegetables and fruits mainly, the individual will be consuming less fat that is bad for you. Fat is what people go to first when they crave food and want something to satisfy their craving, which shouldn't be the case. People become vegetarians so that they can live healthier lives.
Modern farm animals are deliberately fattened up to increase profits. Vernon Coleman, who is a writer says that "eating fatty meat increases your chances of having a heart attack or developing cancer" (Coleman 1). Fat consumption builds by how much meat you consume. If you were to cut down on meat, you would then feel slimmer then someone that ate meat all the time. Furthermore, " If you switch from the standard American diet to a vegetarian diet, you can add about 13 healthy years to your life" (Vegetarian Times 1). People that do not eat a lot of meat are said to be able to live longer than those that consume meat all the time. As a vegetarian, you would be able to outlive the people who eat meat. Eating a vegetarian diet also allows you to have more energy throughout the day. For example, "A vegetarian diet provides a more healthful form of iron than a meat-based diet"(Procon 1). People go vegetarian so they can receive the health benefits that can come along with it. As a vegetarian, individuals has been known to avoid toxic chemicals that food could contain. For example, the Environmental Protection Agency says that"95 percent of the pesticide residue in the typical American diet comes from meat, fish and dairy products” (Vegetarian Times 1). Chemicals that are injected into animals are harmful to humans. When food is being processed, people should pay attention as to where and how it is getting to its destination. If food is flown from far away, then the food will not be as fresh and clean as it was when it was picked. Healthy living is very important to vegetarians.
There are many health benefits that come from a vegetarian diet. For example, the website Benefits Of Vegetarianism states that "the greatest of the vegetarian health benefits is reduced risk of heartattacks" (Benefits Of Vegetarianism 1). People that are trying to reduce their risk for experiencing health problems should look into vegetarianism. With a vegetarian diet, the foods that you will consume have high amounts of vitamins and minerals that decrease your risk of heart attacks and other problems. In addition, "another of thevegetarian health benefits is that vegetarians have lower blood pressure compared to those who eat meat, especially red meat. This is because vegetarian diets are low in salt – salt has been identified as the main cause of high blood pressure and hypertension" (Benefits Of Vegetarianism 1). Individuals lower their salt intake on a vegetarian diet because there are foods that do not require a lot of salt. High blood pressure and hypertension can be reversed if consuming a plant based diet.
Being a vegetarian is also a healthy way to lose weight. McLaughlin, a writer, states that "as a vegetarian, plant-derived foods contingent to weight loss can help you stay within your preferred dietary lifestyle and reach your desired weight goals" (McLaughlin 1). A person that desires to lose weight should follow a vegetarian diet because it helps the individual stay on the diet and not give up. The benefits of losing weight while on this diet are great so people would stay on it and not go back to their previous diet. In addition, Katherine Zeratsky suggests "to reap weight loss and wellness benefits of vegetarian foods, consume a diet based upon nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Zeratsky suggests opting for low-fat renditions of dairy products, peanut butter, tofu and other soy-based products" (McLaughlin 1). Eating a healthy diet consisting of large amounts of fruits and vegetables allows you to receive the benefits of a vegetarian better than those who choose not to follow the diet completely. Low amounts of carbohydrates, sugars, and other empty calorie foods do not contribute to a efficient way to lose weight. Vegetarians have the benefit of losing weight and keeping the weight off.
People have different reasons as to why they should become a vegetarian. Some of the reasons include religious, social, moral, and health. People also go vegetarian because they want to receive the health benefits. Going vegetarian gives people the benefit of not contracting harmful diseases that you can receive from meat products. Going vegetarian is a choice that an individual makes on their own. Their reasoning may not seem the best to you, but with research you will find that a vegetarian diet is good for you and helps keep you in good health. Harming animals should not happen when trying to find something to eat, save them by not eating animal flesh. You will be happy and so will they. Vegetarians live longer than people that eat meat because they are avoiding foods that can be potentially harmful to their body now and in the future.
Works Cited
Vernon Coleman. "21 Reasons For Being A Vegetarian". http://www.giveusahome.co.uk/articles/vegetarianism.htm . Food For Thought. Sunday 28 April 2013
Works Cited
Vernon Coleman. "21 Reasons For Being A Vegetarian". http://www.giveusahome.co.uk/articles/vegetarianism.htm . Food For Thought. Sunday 28 April 2013
Procon. "Should People Become Vegetarian?" http://vegetarian.procon.org/. Sunday 28 April 2013.
Vegetarian Times. "Why Go Veg?" http://www.vegetariantimes.com/article/why-go-veg-learn-about-becoming-a-vegetarian/ Sunday 28 April 2013.
Craig, Winston. "Health Benefits of Vegetarianism". http://www.vegetarian-nutrition.info/updates/vegetarian_diets_health_benefits.php. Sunday 28 April 2013.
Benefits Of Vegetarianism. "Seven Common Vegetarian Health Benefits". http://www.benefitsofvegetarianism.com/vegetarian-health-benefits.html. Sunday 28 April 2013.
McLaughlin, August. "Vegetarian Weight Loss Food". http://www.livestrong.com/article/250231-vegetarian-weight-loss-food/. September 28 2010. Wednesday May 1 2013.
Nohely Ramirez
Professor Reynolds
English 113B
29 April 2013
Going Vegan Too Far?
Veganism is often looked upon on
whether it is good or bad for you and your health. Those who acquire the
vegetarian diet already subtract major components and nutrients needed in a
diet in order to stay healthy. By being a vegan you are taking more of these
proteins and nutrients away in order to live this kind of life style. So is being
a vegan putting you at risk? The answer to this no, living this way is a choice
and a manageable life style that will offer you alternatives in order to
continue being healthy as possible.
The transition from meat eater to
non meat eaters (vegetarians/vegans) is typically because vegetarians/vegans do
not believe in animal cruelty and also for health reasons one might have. Although
both vegans and vegetarians believe in the same problem, they are different in
many aspects. Most people know what a vegetarian diet consist of which is no
meat products that come from animals. Vegan diets on the other hand consist of
eliminating all products and foods that come from any animal including dairy
and eggs as well. But both lifestyles have pros and cons when choosing this
path. One of the health benefits that come when choosing their diet such as
decrease in chances of cardiovascular diseases, but by not eating meat or
animal products it can decrease your intake of protein and other nutrients. As
far as we know choosing this mean is not bad because many still do it today and
more individuals are embracing it in their everyday life and meals.
Being Vegetarian is one thing,
but becoming Vegan seems like it would be such a dramatic change in eating and
living. Unlike vegetarians, vegans are also removing eggs and dairy where we
gain most of our vitamins such as Vitamin A, D, and B-12. One might argue
against becoming vegan because of the removal of such important factors and
components needed in or bodies, but if you were to choose this standard of
living there are precautions that one will know if deciding to become a vegan,
and there are alternatives that can be use in order to make sure your body is
getting the right amount of these nutrients as if eating animal products, it is
all a matter of dedication and self choice one might have.
So why choose Vegan over Vegetarian?
Both do come with its benefits because both are daily routines that do come
with good effects and results. By being vegetarian you already get better
health results, now imagine being vegan which is one step further and getting
even better outcomes. Getting rid of eggs and dairy from your diet like vegans
do, can abolish risks of higher cholesterol that vegetarians can still get
because they do continue to eat foods like cheese, milk, and eggs which contain
amounts of cholesterol in them. Mentioned in, Health Effects of Vegan Diets, “Vegan
diets are usually higher in dietary fiber, magnesium, folic acid, vitamins C
and E, iron, and phytochemicals, and they tend to be lower in calories,
saturated fat and cholesterol, longchain n–3 (omega-3) fatty acids, vitamin D,
calcium, zinc, and vitamin B-12” (Craig 1). When eating foods such as more
fruits and vegetables that are part of a vegan diet, you are in-taking foods
that give you higher nutrients that we need in our bodies to be healthy and
decreasing those that are bad and harmful for your body. Although Craig states
while taking part of this vegan diet we are losing vitamin D, calcium, zinc,
and B-12 which we do need, there are many substitutions that can replace how we
get these nutrients into our body other than eating meats. Giving healthier
alternatives, Are There Risk to a Vegan Diet? , provides options were you can
get the nutrients that are missing, “…eat bright orange vegetables and fruits (carrots, yams, squash, apricots)
and dark green ones (spinach, kale, chard etc) which provides beta carotene
that the body can convert to Vitamin A”. Moreover, as you can see these absent nutrients
can be replaced by healthier options and even supplements that one who is vegan
or vegetarian would take. Not consuming foods that contain meat in them will
not restrict you from being able to provide your body with nutrients and
proteins needed. Vitamin D can be found in sunlight and zinc can be provided by
eating beans, whole grains, and nuts, it is all just a matter of doing research
to understand what you can provide to your body if you are vegan.
Other than being healthier, becoming
vegan comes with its many benefits of nutrition, disease prevention, and even
physical benefits. A vegan diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains,
nuts, beans, and soy products can help your nutrition by reducing saturated
fats that can result in cardiovascular diseases when consumed too many. It can
also increase your intake of vitamin C and E both antioxidants that help
prevent your body from getting diseases and help out your immune system and
body. Cardiovascular, cholesterol, high
blood pressure, Type-2 diabetes, different forms of cancer, and many more can
be prevented when taking part of a vegan diet because you are consuming less
meat, diary, proteins, etc that are typically the cause to these diseases. In,
“57 Health Benefits of Going Vegan”, a vegan diet can give you more energy,
prevent bad breathe and body odor, reduce PMS symptoms, result in weight loss,
a longer life, etc. Becoming vegan makes your body stronger, more attractive,
and more energetic.
It seems as if turning to this lifestyle is
beneficial for those who are able to manage it, but what about woman who become
pregnant or someone with health problems already. Is it putting them at risk
even more? According to, On Veganism and Pregnancy, “Nutrients and minerals can be easily
met as long as dietary planning takes place prior to, during, and after the pregnancy.
Many consider the vegan diet to be very healthy for both the pregnant woman and
the developing fetus.”(Tyree 3) In other words by also following the vegan diet
the proper way, being pregnant will not affect you or the fetus just as long as
you both are getting the right amounts of nutrients which can easily be managed
same way if you were not pregnant. The article also states, “A pregnant woman following the vegan
diet should follow the same guidelines for nutrients and minerals as a non-vegan
pregnant woman.”(Tyree 3) This shows how during pregnancy nothing changes for a
vegan because the same precautions and guidelines should be used when pregnant
being a vegan or non-vegan. Usually the reason why someone embraces change is
because they have a good reason to. For instance, former President Bill Clinton
was once a true American eating all things meat, greasy, and unhealthy before
deciding to become vegan. Featured on an interview with Bill Clinton on
CNN.com, “The 42nd president has a family history
of heart disease, and plaque was building up in the coronary arteries leading
to his heart, undetected by White House doctors.” In this interview Bill
Clinton discussed how he had to make certain changes on his eating habits. He
first started off by eating no meat in general, Then after learning his heart
troubles were not over and going through two more heart procedures, he decided
to go all the way and cut animal products completely for the better of his
health. After losing some weight and seeing results from going vegan Clinton
states, "All my blood tests are good, and my vital signs are good, and I
feel good, and I also have, believe it or not, more energy," Making major
changes can be hard to adapt to at first, but sometimes we have to take matters
into our own hands in order to stay healthy like former president Bill Clinton
did. Becoming vegan has helped many people live longer and become healthier and
shows only good results.
to the lifestyle of a vegan is not going too far at all. It may seem like being
a vegetarian is hard enough and you get just as much benefits, the choice of
veganism comes with hard work, dedication, and understanding. If you are
motivated to change and make a difference in your life try it out. This way of
life comes with its advantages and choosing this is not a bad or unhealthy
Craig, Winston J. "Health Effects of
Vegan Diets." The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 89.5
(2009): 1627S-11633.
Steven, Bethany R Baker, and Deborah Weatherspoon. "On Veganism and
Pregnancy." International Journal of Childbirth Education, 27.3
(2012): 43-49.
David S. “From omnivore to vegan: The dietary education of Bill Clinton”,CNN, 18 August 2011
“Are There Risk to a Vegan Diet?” TheSweetBeet.com, 6 April 2011
“57 Benefits of Going Vegan” NursingDegree.net,
Yixuan Zhu
Professor Amy Reynolds
English 113B
Going vegan for Health benefits!
and vegan do not eat meat in their daily meals. And did you know that
vegetarianism and vegan are different? The differences between them are that for
vegans they do not eat dairy and avoid wearing any animal attires. Because they
believe animal have their right and should not be treated in a way for
livestock production. And for vegetarians, they also don’t eat meat, but they
might eat cheese and other diary. While giving up meat might be difficult,
going vegetarian and vegan is good for your health. Choosing going vegetarian
and vegan can give you a longer life, be healthier and be confident about
yourself because eating vegan can give you a great body shape.
There are many problems caused by the fact of
meat nowadays. The article “Study finds
association between processed meat and disease", said there is a
consumption of eating red meat is relevant to the risk of getting
cardiovascular disease and cancer. MacVean status "Overall, we estimate
that 3% of premature deaths each year could be prevented if people ate less
than 20 grams processed meat per day," Sabine Rohrmann of the University
of Zurich”(MacVean 1). This article is convincing because this research
followed people between age 35 to 69 in over ten European countries and they
studied this result for over one or two decades. Besides this, the study
isolated other issue may cause cancer involving smoking, lifestyles and so on. Meat
can causes premature death to human beings, so as we seeking a longer life,
that is the reason for us to being a vegetarian and vegan.
is the benefit be being vegan and vegetarian? According to Cambridge Study, it
is indicated that a vegetarian or vegan diet can help lower human cholesterol
concentration. In the article “Health benefits of a vegetarian diet” stated “Compared
with non-vegetarians, Western vegetarians have a lower mean BMI (by about 1
kg/m2), a lower mean plasma total cholesterol concentration (by about 0.5 mol/l),
and a lower mortality from IHD (by about 25 %) (Timothy 1).” As the cholesterol
concentration decreases, it lowers risk for some of other diseases such as
constipation, diverticular disease, gallstones and appendicitis.
There are also famous people who used to be on a vegetarian diet like
founder of Apple Computer-Steve Job. During freshman year Steve Job lived in a
vegan diet in college. The book which influenced him to switch to vegan diet
was “Diet for a Small Planet” written by Frances Moore LappĂ© which extolled the
personal and planetary benefits of vegetarianism. And there is a story which said
that he started from Roman cereal diet to extreme diets and end up with only
eat two kinds of food-carrots and apples. And during one time, his friend would
say that he looks like orange because his diet. Also, he does fasting too. He started from two
days fasting and eventually strength to a week or two and after that breaking
them carefully with large amounts of water and leafy vegetables. “'After a week
you start to feel fantastic,' he said. ‘You get a ton of vitality from not
having to digest all this food. I was in great shape. I felt I could get up and
walk to San Francisco.” (Procon.org 37)
I have heard a lot of people who did vegetarian diet said that without
eating meat and only fruits and vegetables for a while. You will get a pure body;
even your skin will get better and stop growing pimples on your face. I heard that often time and I actually did it
myself. But it is really hard for me to continue doing this. Because I feel
lack of energy for only eating apples for a day, but after two days, I can
really feel what they said about cleaning your body trash. And after 2 to 3
days you can regain your energy, but the hard thing is that if you live with
your family they would probably not be very supportive of what you are doing.
They would ask you to eat dinner with them and that will ruin your diet.
Meat eating will causes premature diseases; the solution to stop it is
definitely to stop eating meat. But most of people cannot just give up their
meat and start going vegan. So first, just to think of the health diseases it
can caused to us. “For instance, adding a three-ounce serving of red meat -- a
piece of steak about the size of a cassette tape -- to your daily diet was
associated with a 13% greater chance of dying during the course of the study.”
(MacVean 2) Also the study suggested that “The European study cites another
article published a year ago in the Archives of Internal Medicine, which said
that eating any amount or type of red meat increased the chances of early death
among more than 110,000 adults tracked more than 20 years.” (MacVean2) By
knowing the health causes that eating red meat can actually cause’s premature
death would be helpful to help people start being vegetarian and then gradually
going vegan.
Another solution for children, they should start a vegetarian diet. When
they are used to eating healthy like this, it is easy for them to keep their
diet. But some people would say that children like to compare themselves to
other children, when they find out they eat different from others, it is hard
for them to admit the fact and continue doing this diet. In Belkin’s article,
she gave the solution that “Allowing kids to eat meat at friends’ houses or
restaurants or packing snacks and lunches that look like chicken nuggets or hot
dogs but are actually made from soy or wheat gluten.” (Belkin) which I think it
would work, and there are also like vegetarian restaurant where they made
everything from mushrooms and vegetables but they make it shapes like meat or
sausage. So every time when your children are craving about meat, just take
them there. In this way, your children will lower the risk of the health
On the other hand, people insist of eating meat because they think meat
consumption is healthful and humane. “But the researchers noted that a small
amount of fresh red meat appeared to be beneficial. That, they said, is
probably because meat is an important source of protein, iron, zinc, B vitamins
and other nutrients.”(MacVean) Meat can be beneficial to human because it
contains a lot of proteins but the protein inside meat has too much iron,
cholesterol and saturated fatty acids. Due to this reason, it is better for us
to gain protein from beans which also contains high protein and high energy but
without acid fat.
Another point people who are on the opposite side would say that meat is
part of their life in their habit, they enjoy eating meat like their habit. So
for this situation, I would think the solution raising children as vegetarian
would be helpful, cause from a little child to give them a habit to eating only
vegetarian can affect them in their future life. And as for adult, the solution
is try not to destroy them to enjoy eating meat and give up meat. So what you
need to do is just to buy the vegetarian chicken nuggets and eat at vegetarian
restaurant and gradually shorten the meat of their intake. At the same time, if
you feel weak, take the vitamins like B12 will give you energy.
Even though it is hard to give up all the
diet and start to go vegan and vegetarianism, but just to think of stop eating
meat can lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and the most important one is
to cut down your fat consumption, give your body a better shape and be more
confident about yourself.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.
<!--[endif]-->BELKIN, LISA. "Raising Vegetarian
Children." New York Times. (2009): n. page. Web. <http://parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/11/24/raising-vegetarian-children/>.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.
<!--[endif]-->Denise, Grady. "Vegetarian Scholars
& Inventors." Procon.org. (2012): 37. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.
3. Key, Timothy J. , Gwyneth K.
Davey, and Paul N. Applebya. "Health benefits of a vegetarian diet."
Cambridge journals. (1999): May 1999, pp 271-275. Print.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.
<!--[endif]-->MacVean, Mary. "Study finds
association between processed meat and disease." Los Angles Times. (2013):
n. page. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
Omar Morales
Amy Reynolds
English 113B
7 May 2013
Eat Fruits, It Will Help Save Trees!
Going veggie or vegetarian can help
save the environment. Both help stop the use of oils and other fossil fuel from
being burned. The less fossil fuel is use the less carbon is being put into the
air. By not eating meat there will be less need for factories that make packaged
food, also there will be less need for trucks, trains, and planes to burn
fossil fuels. Global warming will go down because of less carbon going to the atmosphere.
In all using fewer fossils fuel and reduce global warming will help save the
Eating meat is hurting our
environment. The more meat we consume the more of a demand there is for meat.
Companies listen and study what customers want. If companies see the customers
want more of something they are going to make sure there is no short supply of
it. With more demand for meat companies will make and build more factories so
they can package it. That will mean buying up more land for raising life stock
(cows, pigs, and chickens) and buying more supplies to feed the livestock.
Fossil fuels are the life blood of the transportation industry, fossil fuel
like oil, gas and jet fuel. The food will be transported, transported by
something that burns fossil fuel, this how veggie and vegetarian can help stop
the burning of fossil fuel. We use some much oil it is sometimes unbelievable “To
produce one pound of animal protein vs. one pound of soy protein, it takes
about 12 times as much land, 13 times as much fossil fuel, and 15
times as much water.”(Choose veg) After people realize how much damage they
are doing by eating meat, they will reconsider eating meat, and turn to other
foods that will not hurt the environment. This will in turn mean less land will
be used for life stock less factories as well. With fewer factories there will
be a lot less of transportation required, less transportation less fossil fuel
being burn and less carbon going into the atmosphere. Carbon is very bad for
the atmosphere because it is one of the greenhouse gases. “The farming of
animals also generates gaseous emissions through the manufacture of fertilizers
(to grow feed crops), industrial feed production and the transportation of both
live animals and their carcasses across the globe7. 9% of
human-related CO2 emissions are caused by the livestock sector, mostly due to
changes in land use (e.g. forests being cleared for grazing or growing animal
feed7) and the use of fossil fuels for farm operations14. Methane
has around 25 times the global warming impact of CO27 and
ruminant mammals (cows and sheep) are responsible for 37% of the total methane
generated by human activity.”(Choose veg) Transportation is not the only thing releasing
greenhouse gases in to atmospheres. The animals themselves are a main source of
the harmful gases that are hurting our atmosphere.
Being veggie or vegetarian will help
the environment. People see that this is true and that is why there are lots of
people that are not eating meat. In the article “Top 10 Reasons Why It’s to Go
Veggie” there are 10 very good reasons why you should stop eating meat. Global
warming is a big reason for you to go veggie “Global warming poses one of the
most serious threats to the global environment ever faced in human history. Yet
by focusing entirely on carbon dioxide emissions, major environmental
organizations have failed to account for published data showing that other
gases are the main culprits behind the global warming we see today. As a
result, they are overlooking the fact that the single most important step an
individual can take to reduce global warming [faster than any other means] is
to adopt a vegetarian diet.”(Down to Earth) By adopting a vegetarian diet we
will no longer require the use of fossil fuel of to transport our food, to feed
the animals that we kill to eat, and we
will have more land to grow plants because there will longer be need for meat factors.
People who do not eat have a smaller carbon foot print. “Vegans’ GHG emissions
were 41.7% lower than non-vegetarians’, while lacto-ovo vegetarians’’ emissions
were 27.8% lower.”(Food Navigator) Animals all require water to live. If there
are a lot of animals there will be a huge demand for water. “Estimates of the
water required to produce a kilo of beef vary, from 13,000 liters up to 100,000
liters. Whichever figure you use, the damage is plain when you consider that
the water required to produce a kilo of wheat is somewhere between 1,000-2,000
liters.” (Down To Earth) This is
unbelievable the fact that it require so much water for a kilo of meat. Water
is in short supply and there are places in the world that are suffering from
droughts. This a very good reason to turn veggie or vegetarian so will use less
water and other places do not suffer droughts. Turn away from meat has a very
good impact on the environment.
I am not saying that if everyone
becomes a veggie or vegetarian the environment will go back to normal. No
turning away from meat is a step to help the environment and also prevent any
more harm to it. There are more things we have to do so the environment can go
back to normal. If we do not turn anyway from meat the more damage the
greenhouse gases will do to our environment. If we do not take care of it we
will live in a world with pollution and hurt not just the earth but also our
Word Cite
Feed the World and save the Planet, Eat Less Meat! (and 4 More
Necessities)." Global Public Square RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 May
2013. <http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/10/19/stewart-patrick-food-environment/>.
10 Reasons Why It's Green to Go Veggie." Down to Earth. N.p., n.d.
Web. 07 May 2013.
Feed the World and save the Planet, Eat Less Meat! (and 4 More
Necessities)." Global Public Square RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 07
May 2013.
All Want to Help Theplanet. But How?" ChooseVeg.com: A Guide to
Vegetarian and Vegan Living. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.
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